this whole headland, one body

a free verse poem for riparian: the banks of our love

Michelle Puckett
2 min readApr 13, 2022

praise eucalyptus peel crunching beneath foot
praise offering song, sage, & holy water

praise pipevine swallowtail
& oceanic wind

praise baby deer hooves
on a barely-there carcass

praise hawk flight
praise majesty of the wide view

praise official permits
for writing poetry

praise relationship

praise the place where the San Francisco
and San Pablo Bays flow into
& out of one another

praise scat
& vigorous life springing from it

praise irrelevance of fences
for winged things

praise my own boots & body
taking me across the terrain

praise every name
of every protector
of this place

praise collectivity
praise birdsong
praise wingspan

praise silent sway of seagrass
beneath grey waters

praise the infrequent blue whale
praise the glide of turkey vulture

praise language, praise cursive
praise friendships spent writing

praise meadows which are not forests
praise artemisia sage
& grasses

praise the sun
praise shedding & falling

praise reestablishment of eelgrass beds
& the eventual reclamation of chevron’s lands

praise end of page
praise end of day
praise end of fossil fuel

This poem is one in a series titled, Riparian: the banks of our love, a poetic collaboration for National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) with Samantha Wallen and Michelle Puckett.

To read the previous poem in the series click HERE.
To read the next poem in the series click HERE.

Michelle Puckett, MFA is a poet, doula, permaculturalist, coach and Co-Founder of Creating Freedom Movements, a social justice school for activists. All of her work aims to nourish the sacred and make it plain in every day life.



Michelle Puckett

poet. social justice coach. queer. seed-grower. love-maker. creatrix-worshipper. ancestor-reverent {r}evolutionary.